The Bible often talks about meditating on God’s law, especially throughout the Psalms. Take Psalm 1 for example:
Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night. (Psalm 1:1-2)
Throughout the Psalms and the entire Bible, meditating is clearly an important practice in our study of the Word. But what exactly is meditation anyway?
In current use, the word meditation has many definitions. Some definitions involve sitting still and being aware of the body, emptying one’s mind and focusing on breathing. This kind of meditation can be useful, but it doesn’t match what the Bible seems to be describing. Rather than emptying our minds, the kind of meditation that the Psalmist talks about means filling one’s mind with Scripture. Actually, the word meditate in this sense carries the idea of ruminating, which literally means to chew the cud like cows do in order to get the most nutrition possible from their food. Similarly, we need to take the time to chew on Scripture in order to get the greatest benefit from it. Meditating is different than just reading because it involves not simply skimming and forgetting, but pondering and thinking over Scripture so that it can change our minds and actions. Here are some suggested ways to slow down and keep God’s Word before our eyes, ears, and minds so that we can remember and learn and integrate it into our lives.
Read a passage a few times in a day. I can easily miss details by reading a passage only once. By reading a passage several times at different points throughout the day, you may notice different things each time you revisit it. For example, if your practice is to do your Bible reading in the morning, try reading the passage again during a lunch break and again before going to bed. See what new details stand out to you.
Write it down. Another method to help practice meditating on Scripture is copying down a passage in a journal or other location. Writing involves different senses than just reading. It forces us to slow down and focus on each word. If you enjoy journaling, you can write down your thoughts about the passage too as a reminder of what you are learning.
Put it on the wall. Setting the passage or verse where you can see it often is another way to keep God’s Word before you and dwell with it. God commanded the Israelites to do something similar in Deuteronomy 6:6-9, when He told them to bind the commandments on their foreheads. Put it on a chalkboard in your kitchen or a sticky note on your office computer. Every time you look at it, you will be prompted to meditate on that passage of Scripture.
Pray it. Another way to interact with Scripture in a way deeper than just reading is to pray it back to the Lord. It’s easy to approach Scripture as distant or cold, but setting it to prayer makes the words personal. They become our communication with God, as they are already God’s communication with us. The Psalms are a great place to get started with this because many of them were written in direct address to God.
Sing it. Finally, singing uses yet more senses and is a fantastic way to remember the words of Scripture. There are many hymns and songs that set the Bible to music. Or, if you are musically creative, make up your own tune!
However you choose to do it, be sure to take the time to meditate on Scripture. Don’t just read it; make it a part of your life.