For today’s blog post, I’ve picked some of my favorite resources to use alongside my Bible reading and research. Whether you’re looking to structure your study with a reading plan or find out more about a certain word, you may find that these digital and print tools help you dive into the Scriptures too.

Digital Resources

Check out these online resources that can help you take your Bible study to the next level.

The Bible App™: Bible App™ allows you to download the Bible and read it on your phone, tablet, or other device. It’s free to download and an easy way to have the Scriptures with you wherever you go.

Bible Reading Plans from the Navigators®: The Navigators have put together several reading plans that help structure your Bible study with a daily goal. For example, their Book-at-a-Time reading plan helps you read through the entire Bible in a year, and you can begin at any point in the year.

Bible Gateway: Bible Gateway lets you easily search for a specific verse, compare different translations and versions, and conduct keyword searches if you want to see all the verses on a certain topic. I struggle to memorize references, so I find it especially helpful to locate verses when I can recall the words but not the verse number.

Print Resources

If you prefer real paper pages, here are some more traditional resources that can help you dive deeper into your Bible reading. Most bookstores and public libraries will carry these types of materials.

Concordances: A concordance lists each time a word is mentioned in the Bible, with references. For example, you could look up the word “water,” and see everywhere that word occurs as well as a snippet of text from each verse. As you may imagine, concordances can be quite thick, but they’re great for doing word or topic studies.

Bible Dictionaries: While concordances simply list where words occur, Bible dictionaries give the meaning of words as they’re used in the Bible. This can be useful, as Biblical authors used words that are often unfamiliar to us today.

Study Bibles: Study Bibles can be a great way to supplement your Bible reading because they include additional information, articles, or commentary alongside Scripture. They often answer common questions or focus on a theme. Comparative study Bibles even include side-by-side text from two or more different versions.

What are your go-to Bible study helps or resources? Share with us in the comments!


Author Hannah Rau is a Michigan-based writer and writing tutor. Hannah earned degrees in English and rhetoric and minored in Bible. She enjoys exploring literature, media, and culture through the lens of her Christian faith. And drinking coffee. Lots of coffee.