We may be seeing fewer people these days, but we still touch people’s lives in the most mundane ways. Think about the impact a bad or a good interaction with a stranger can have on the rest of your day. For example, a kind act of someone returning a lost item or paying for the meal of the person behind them in the drive-through leaves us with warm feelings and inspires us to be generous to others. On the other hand, a rude driver or a sharp word from a customer service professional can leave a bitter taste that sticks with us. We can then pass that bitter feeling on to others when we react in sharp, rude ways. We have the same sort of impact on other people—on other drivers, on waitstaff, cashiers, bank tellers, nurses, fellow customers…you name it—that strangers have on us.
Why should we care? “After all,” one might reason, “I don’t know that person and may never see them again in my life.” But I would argue there are two reasons why we should care.
1) First, we wordlessly witness for Jesus when we live out our faith in daily life. As the hymn says, “They’ll know we are Christians by our love.” But sadly, Christians don’t have a great reputation for being loving these days. We need to change that. If people are going to be drawn to Jesus through the witness of His followers, then they need to see that we are different in a good way. Philippians exhorts Christians to “Let your gentleness be evident to all” (Philippians 4:5). We should be the most exemplary, kind, gracious customers, drivers, etc. of all time. We should be known for it.
I’m not—not always. It can be difficult, especially when we’re managing difficult emotions or battling exhaustion. But let’s make a strong effort to show love in small ways. At the grocery store, for example, this can look like being respectful of employees, speaking kindly, smiling at the greeter (or waving or giving a pleasant hello if wearing a mask), putting items back where we found them, avoiding impatience when waiting, etc. Let’s help people associate us with good things. When they think of Christians, let them also think, “Those people are exceptionally kind.”
2) Second, even if they never know our faith or never associate our kindness with being Christian, it’s still pleasing to God when we treat others with respect and kindness: “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’” (Matthew 25:40). We strive to emulate God, who is gracious and generous to believers and unbelievers alike (Matthew 5:45).
Sometimes our faith has a tendency to stop at the door of the church building. It’s easy to compartmentalize our ‘religious’ life and the rest of our time. We need to carry the love of Christ with us wherever we go. That includes the grocery store, gas station, bank, restaurants, etc.
On the other hand, we may feel like we need to do something grand and great to serve God—such as converting crowds with fiery preaching or becoming an overseas missionary. If God calls you in those areas, you should definitely follow His direction. But there’s no need to wait for a life-altering opportunity to serve Him. We can please Him in anything we do if we do it to His glory. Including grocery shopping. Don’t underestimate the power of everyday actions and interactions. Shine the light of God’s love and let others know you by it! Be…
…a pleasure to serve
…a joy to talk to
…a relief to drive alongside
…a gracious customer
…and a patient waiter.
What are some other ways you can think of to show the love of Christ when out and about doing everyday activities?