What Saint Patrick Can Teach Us

What Saint Patrick Can Teach Us

What Saint Patrick Can Teach UsChrist in the heart of all who think of me,  Christ on the tongue of all who speak of me, Christ in the eye of all who see me, Christ in the ear of all who hear me. The above lines are from “I Rise Today,” also known as “Saint Patrick’s...
Growing Faith in the Midst of COVID-19

Growing Faith in the Midst of COVID-19

Growing Faith in the Midst of COVID-19 Over a year ago, most of us never imagined that we would face a global pandemic—an experience that would come with isolation from loved ones, new social distancing and mask requirements, financial hardship, concern over...
“True Love” According to the Bible

“True Love” According to the Bible

With Valentine’s Day approaching, many people celebrate this time of year by watching romantic movies. One such movie is The Princess Bride, based on a book by William Goldman that describes itself as a “Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure” and my dad calls...
What Squirrels Can Teach Us about God

What Squirrels Can Teach Us about God

One of the great things about winter is that hungry animals venture out in search of food. For the past few months, the birdfeeders outside the kitchen window at my house have been regularly patronized by a group (a scurry?) of jet-black gray squirrels. My father has...